
H. Diego Folco, Ph.D.

H. Diego Folco, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute


Dr. Folco investigates mechanisms of chromosome segregation that are relevant to cancer. He earned his PhD from National University of Cordoba (Argentina) and completed postdoctoral training in Edinburgh (Scotland) and San Diego. At NCI, he has led the discovery that the untimely expression of gametogenic genes drives uniparental disomy (UPD), a chromosomal anomaly associated with cancer and other human diseases. 

Areas of Expertise

Chromosome Segregation


Selected Key Publications

The cysteine-rich domain in CENP-A chaperone Scm3HJURP ensures centromere targeting and kinetochore integrity

Folco HD, Xiao H, Wheeler D, Feng H, Bai Y, Grewal SIS.
Nucleic Acids Res. 52(4): 1688-1701, 2024. [ Journal Article ]

Untimely expression of gametogenic genes in vegetative cells causes uniparental disomy

Folco HD, Chalamcharla VR, Sugiyama T, Thillainadesan G, Zofall M, Balachandran V, Dhakshnamoorthy J, Mizuguchi T, and Grewal SI.
Nature. 543: 126-130, 2017. [ Journal Article ]

The CENP-A N-tail confers epigenetic stability to centromeres via the CENP-T branch of the CCAN in fission yeast

Folco HD, Campbell C, May KM, Espinoza CA, Oegema K, Hardwick KG, Grewal SI, and Desai A.
Current Biology. 25: 348-356, 2015. [ Journal Article ]

Synthetic heterochromatin bypasses RNAi and centromeric repeats to establish functional centromeres

Kagansky A*, Folco HD*, Almeida R*, Pidoux AL, Boukaba A, Simmer F, Urano T, Hamilton GL, and Allshire RC. *equal contribution
Science. 324: 1716-1719, 2009. [ Journal Article ]

Heterochromatin and RNAi are required to establish CENP-A chromatin at centromeres

Folco HD, Pidoux AL, Urano T, and Allshire RC.
Science. 319: 94-97, 2008. [ Journal Article ]