
Lixin Fan, Ph.D.

Lixin Fan, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Senior Scientist (Contr)
Center for Structural Biology
CCR SAXS Core Facility


Dr. Lixin Fan contributes her expertise in small-angle scattering to the user community of the CCR SAXS Core Facility scientifically and technically. Dr. Fan plays a major role in designing and conducting SAXS/WAXS experiments, data collection, processing, analysis/modeling and interpretation for multi-disciplinary, multi-laboratory collaborations. Dr. Fan also maintains and operates the in-house SAXS instrument, runs necessary equipment at the Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Laboratory and trains users to operate both the Argonne beamline and the in-house instrument.

Areas of Expertise

Structural Characterization Of Biomacromolecules And Their Complexes And Soft Nanomaterials
Small-angle X-ray And Neutron Scattering
Fluctuation X-ray Microscopy
Coherent X-ray Scattering
Grazing-incidence Small-angle Scattering Transmission/fluorescence Scanning X-ray Microscopy
X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging


Selected Key Publications

The conformational space of RNase P RNA in solution

Lee, Y. T., Degenhardt, M. F. S., Skeparnias, I., Degenhardt, H. F., Bhandari, Y. R., Yu, P., Stagno, J. R., Fan, L., Zhang, J., Wang, Y. X.
Nature. 637: 1244–1251 , 2025.
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Structural basis of MALAT1 RNA maturation and mascRNA biogenesis

Skeparnias, I., Bou-Nader, C., Anastasakis, D. G., Fan, L., Wang, Y. X., Hafner, M., Zhang, J.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 31: 1655–1668, 2024.
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Visualizing RNA conformational and architectural heterogeneity in solution

Ding, J., Lee, Y. T., Bhandari, Y., Schwieters, C. D., Fan, L., Yu, P., Tarosov, S. G., Stagno, J. R., Ma, B., Nussinov, R., Rein, A., Zhang, J., Wang, Y. X.
Nat Commun. 14/1: 714, 2023.
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Mannose receptor (CD206) activation in tumor-associated macrophages enhances adaptive and innate antitumor immune responses

Jaynes, J. M., Sable, R., Ronzetti, M., Bautista, W., Knotts, Z., Abisoye-Ogunniyan, A., Li, D., Calvo, R., Dashnyam, M., Singh, A., Guerin, T., White, J., Ravichandran, S., Kumar, P., Talsania, K., Chen, V., Ghebremedhin, A., Karanam, B., Bin Salam, A., Amin, R., Odzorig, T., Aiken, T., Nguyen, V., Bian, Y., Zarif, J. C., de Groot, A. E., Mehta, M., Fan, L., Hu, X., Simeonov, A., Pate, N., Abu-Asab, M., Ferrer, M., Southall, N., Ock, C. Y., Zhao, Y., Lopez, H., Kozlov, S., de Val, N., Yates, C. C., Baljinnyam, B., Marugan, J., Rudloff, U.
Sci Transl Med. 12: 530, 2020.
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Multiphase Assembly of Small Molecule Microcrystalline Peptide Hydrogel Allows Immunomodulatory Combination Therapy for Long-Term Heart Transplant Survival

Majumder, P., Zhang, Y. C., Iglesias, M., Fan, L. X., Kelley, J. A., Andrews, C., Patel, N., Stagno, J. R., Oh, B. C., Furtmuller, G. J., Lai, C. C., Wang, Y. X., Brandacher, G., Raimondi, G., Schneider, J. P.
Small. 16/38: 2002791, 2020.
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