
Picture of Dr. Koivomagi

Mardo Kõivomägi, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Head, Cell Cycle Control Section


Mardo Kõivomägi's laboratory focuses on understanding and developing quantitative models of the cell cycle to improve cancer treatment. His research centers on cyclin-dependent kinase complexes, with particular emphasis on the G1-to-S phase transition—a crucial checkpoint often disrupted in cancer cells. His previous work was recognized as the "Signaling Breakthrough of the Year 2013" by Science Signaling. His lab employs a multidisciplinary approach by integrating quantitative biochemistry, biophysics, computational analysis, and experimental validation in both cellular and animal models. His goals include discovering new targets for cell cycle kinases, elucidating substrate-kinase docking and phosphorylation mechanisms, and developing cancer-specific therapeutic approaches. This comprehensive strategy aims to identify and exploit cancer-specific vulnerabilities for more effective targeted treatments that improve patient outcomes and benefit public health.

The lab has made significant recent breakthroughs, including revealing how the cell cycle activator complex regulates gene activation through direct phosphorylation of RNA Polymerase II and discovering a new docking mechanism between the cell cycle activator complex and its main target, the retinoblastoma protein (Rb). These findings establish direct connections between cell cycle control and gene activation, suggesting novel therapeutic strategies for targeting dysregulated cell cycle processes in cancer treatment.

Areas of Expertise

Cyclin-Cdk Biochemistry
Kinase-Substrate Docking
G1/S Transition
Gene Expression
Cell Cycle Control


Selected Key Publications

G1 cyclin-Cdk promotes cell cycle entry through localized phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II

Kõivomägi M, Swaffer MP, Turner JJ, Marinov G, Skotheim JM.
Science. 374(6565): 347-351, 2021. [ Journal Article ]

Cyclin D-Cdk4,6 Drives Cell-Cycle Progression via the Retinoblastoma Protein's C-Terminal Helix

Topacio BR, Zatulovskiy E, Cristea S, Xie S, Tambo CS, Rubin SM, Sage J, Kõivomägi M, Skotheim JM.
Mol Cell. 74(4): 758-770.e4, 2019. [ Journal Article ]

Multisite phosphorylation networks as signal processors for Cdk1

Kõivomägi M, Ord M, Iofik A, Valk E, Venta R, Faustova I, Kivi R, Balog ER, Rubin SM, Loog M.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 20(12): 1415-24, 2013. [ Journal Article ]

Cascades of multisite phosphorylation control Sic1 destruction at the onset of S phase

Kõivomägi M, Valk E, Venta R, Iofik A, Lepiku M, Balog ER, Rubin SM, Morgan DO, Loog M.
Nature. 480(7375): 128-31, 21993622. [ Journal Article ]

Dynamics of Cdk1 substrate specificity during the cell cycle

Kõivomägi M, Valk E, Venta R, Iofik A, Lepiku M, Morgan DO, Loog M.
Mol Cell. 42(5): 610-23, 2011. [ Journal Article ]

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Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting Fellow)
Jurgen Tuvikene, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting Fellow)
Eli Eelika Esvald, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Devin Bradburn, Ph.D.
Aiden Weaver