Maureen P. Martin, M.D.
- Center for Cancer Research
- National Cancer Institute
- Bldg. 560, Rm 21-76
- Frederick, MD 21702-1201
- 301-846-5318
- mamartin@mail.nih.gov
Dr. Martin's research interests involve studies of host genetic effects on complex human diseases including infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Her focus is on genes known to participate in innate and acquired immunity, primarily the killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) genes and related loci.
Areas of Expertise

Maureen P. Martin, M.D.
Research Projects:
1. Determine the genetic effects of HLA and KIR variants on disease. Given the importance of KIR-mediated regulation of natural killer (NK) cell activity, their specificity for HLA class I allotypes, and their extensive genomic diversity, our efforts are geared towards characterizing the effects of KIR gene variation in resistance and susceptibility to diseases.
2. Characterize the molecular genetic properties of the KIR gene cluster. A greater understanding of the evolutionary and molecular genetic characteristics of the KIR gene cluster is also a main objective. This is especially important for genetic loci that consist of multiple homologues that share functional activity such as the KIR genes because it provides a significant aid in identifying the actual disease locus amongst multiple possibilities. Thus, we aim to determine levels of LD between KIR genes and alleles using segregation analysis in families and population based studies, and characterize the organization and frequency of recombinant KIR haplotypes.
Associations between human leukocyte antigen class I variants and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis subtypes causing disease
Immunogenetics of HIV disease
Recombinant structures expand and contract inter and intragenic diversification at the KIR locus
Diversity of the KIR gene cluster in an urban Brazilian population
Impact of protective killer inhibitory receptor/human leukocyte antigen genotypes on natural killer cell and T-cell function in HIV-1-infected controllers

Maureen P. Martin, M.D.
Dr. Martin obtained her M.D. at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica in 1982 and completed a residency in pathology in 1989. She was a visiting research fellow in the Laboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis, NCI at Frederick from 1990-1995. Dr. Martin is currently a senior scientist (Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc.) in the HLA Immunogenetics Section of Dr. Mary Carrington, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology. Her research interests involve studies of host genetic effects on complex human diseases including infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Her focus is on genes known to participate in innate and acquired immunity, primarily the killer Immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) genes and related loci.