
Nadya I. Tarasova, Ph.D.

Nadya I. Tarasova, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Senior Associate Scientist
Cancer Innovation Laboratory
Head, Synthetic Biologics Facility


Dr. Tarasova heads the Synthetic Biologics Facility (SBF) which generates chemical biology tools and drug candidates for molecular targets identified by CCR research groups and collaborators from academic labs. It develops new methods and technologies in molecular discovery. The facility focuses on application of rational approaches for the design of inhibitors predominantly for “undruggable” molecular targets. The SBF develops new chemical approaches in structural stabilization and for improving pharmacological properties of synthetic biologics.

Areas of Expertise

Chemical Biology
Drug Discovery
Protein-protein Interactions
Virtual Screens


Selected Publications

Pooled screening for antiproliferative inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.

Nim S, Jeon J, Corbi-Verge C, Seo MH, Ivarsson Y, Moffat J, Tarasova N, Kim PM
Nat. Chem. Biol. 12: 275-281, 2016. [ Journal Article ]

High-affinity interaction of the K-Ras4B hypervariable region with the Ras active site

Chavan TS, Jang H, Khavrutskii L, Abraham SJ, Banerjee A, Freed BC, Johannessen L, Tarasov SG, Gaponenko V, Nussinov R, Tarasova NI
Biophys. J. 109: 2602-2613, 2015. [ Journal Article ]

Heteromerizatioin of chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 with alpha 1A/B-adrenergic receptors controls alpha 1-adrenergic receptor function

Tripathi A, Vana PG, Chavan TS, Brueggemann LI, Byron KL, Tarasova NI, Volkman BF, Gaponenko V, Majetschak M
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112: 1659-1668, 2015. [ Journal Article ]

Structure of the Rpn13-Rpn2 complex provides insights for Rpn13 and Uch37 as anticancer targets

Lu X, Nowicka U, Sridharan V, Liu F, Randles L, Hymel D, Dyba M, Tarasov SG, Tarasova NI, Zhao XZ, Hamazaki J, Murata S, Burke TR Jr, Walters KJ
Nat. Commun. 8: 15540, 2017. [ Journal Article ]

Structural plasticity of a transmembrane peptide allows self-assembly into biologically active nanoparticles

Tarasov SG, Gaponenko V, Howard OM, Chen Y, Oppenheim JJ, Dyba MA, Subramaniam S, Lee Y, Michejda C, Tarasova NI
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108: 9798-803, 2011. [ Journal Article ]


Special Volunteer
Pedro F. Andrade Bonilla, M.S.
Research Assistant (Contr.)
Lyuba Khavrutskii
Research Fellow
Wei Zhang, Ph.D.
Cody Hoop, Ph.D.