
Stan Adoro

Stanley Adoro, Ph.D.

  • Center for Cancer Research
  • National Cancer Institute
Stadtman Investigator
Experimental Immunology Branch
Head, Cell Malignancy Unit


Dr. Adoro is an immunologist with an interest in understanding the process of blood cell development. His laboratory seeks to understand how the mechanisms that sense and maintain cellular proteome homeostasis (“proteostasis”) control hematopoietic cell development and function. These studies are revealing that the dysfunction of key proteostasis regulators impairs stem and blood cell integrity and contributes to the emergence of diseases including blood cancers, chronic infection and organismal growth defects.

Areas of Expertise


Selected Key Publications

IRE1α-XBP1 safeguards hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by restricting pro-leukemogenic gene programs

Barton BM, Son F, Verma A, Bal SK, Tang Q, Wang R, Umphred-Wilson K, Khan R, Trichka J, Dong H, Lentucci C, Chen X, Chen Y, Hong Y, Duy C, Elemento O, Melnick AM, Cao J, Chen X, Glimcher LH, Adoro S*. *Corresponding author
Nature Immunology. 26(2):200-214: 2025.
Full-Text Article
[ Journal Article ]

The ESCRT protein CHMP5 promotes T cell leukemia by controlling BRD4-p300-dependent transcription

Umphred-Wilson K, Ratnayake S, Tang Q, Wang R, Devaiah BN, Zhou L, Chen Q, Meerzaman D, Singer DS, Adoro S*. *Corresponding author
bioRxiv [Preprint]. Jan 31:2024.01.29.577409. doi: 10.1101/2024.01.29.577409: 2024.

Notch-induced endoplasmic reticulum- associated degradation governs mouse thymocyte β-selection

Liu X, Yu J, Xu L, Umphred-Wilson K, Peng F, Ding Y, Barton BM, Lv X, Zhao MY, Sun S, Hong Y, Qi L, Adoro S*, Chen X*. *Corresponding authors
Elife. 10: e69975, 2021. [ Journal Article ]

Protein quality control through endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation maintains haematopoietic stem cell identity and niche interactions

Xu L, Liu X, Peng F, Zhang W, Zheng L, Ding Y, Gu T, Lv K, Wang J, Ortinau L, Hu T, Shi X, Shi G, Shang G, Sun S, Iwawaki T, Ji Y, Li W, Rosen JM, Zhang XH, Park D, Adoro S, Catic A, Tong W, Qi L, Nakada D, Chen X.
Nat Cell Biol. 22(10): 1162-1169, 2020. [ Journal Article ]

Post-translational control of T cell development by the ESCRT protein CHMP5

Adoro S, Park KH, Bettigole SE, Lis R, Shin HR, Seo H, Kim JH, Knobeloch KP, Shim JH, Glimcher LH.
Nat Immunol. 18(7): 780-790, 2017. [ Journal Article ]

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