William C. Reinhold, B.S.
- Center for Cancer Research
- National Cancer Institute
- Building 37, Room 5401
- Bethesda, MD 20892-4255
- 240-760-7339
- wcr@mail.nih.gov
William Reinhold runs the CellMiner website , generates data for inclusion in it, organizes that data in an intuitive fashion, develops the software to facilitate the use of that data, and accesses that data scientifically. CellMiner includes data for the NCI-60 cancerous cell lines, and is a premier systems pharmacology resource, including data from 18 platforms. We provide the unmatched Developmental Therapeutics Program activity data for 20,002 compounds (including 114 FDA-approved drugs, and 55 in clinical trial). Multiple forms of molecular data is provided. The user may select any of these input parameters of interest (e.g., a gene, drug, microRNA) for cross comparison.
Areas of Expertise
Currently our research includes the collection of data for the NCI-60 cancerous cell lines, and the development of software to facilitate the use of this data in systems pharmacology. We currently provide easy integration for 20, 602 compounds (including 102 FDA-approved drugs, and 53 in clinical trial), 26,065 genes, and 350 microRNAs. The user selects their input parameter of interest (example: a gene, drug, microRNA, or any other criteria of interest).
CellMiner: a web-based suite of genomic and pharmacologic tools to explore transcript and drug patterns in the NCI-60 cell line set
Multifactorial regulation of E-cadherin expression: an integrative study
Exon array analyses across the NCI-60 reveal potential regulation of TOP1 by transcription pausing at guanosine quartets in the first intron
Putative DNA/RNA helicase Schlafen-11 (SLFN11) sensitizes cancer cells to DNA-damaging agents
The Exomes of the NCI-60 Panel: A Genomic Resource for Cancer Biology and Systems Pharmacology

William C. Reinhold, B.S.
i>William Reinhold is currently operating as facility head of the Genomics and Pharmacology Facility in the Developmental Therapeutics Branch (NCI). He has been a part of this section since April 1998, working with first John N. Weinstein, and then Yves Pommier. He has been central in generating multiple datasets for the NCI-60 cancerous cell lines, as well as creating the CellMiner (http://discover.nci.nih.gov/cellminer/)and CellMiner Cross Database (CDB) (https://discover.nci.nih.gov/cellminercdb/) web-applications. His current activities include i) integrating additional datasets, ii) disseminating the data, iii) interpretating the data, iv) facilitating collaborations, and v) providing intellectual direction for the development of systems pharmacology within the group. He has been both session chairs and keynote speaker at scientific meetings, in addition to presenting numerous posters and oral presentations. He currently has ~112 peer-reviewed publications. His primary interest lies in the area of systems pharmacogenomics and the integration of cell line and patient omics information to facilitate precision medicine.
Genomics and Pharmacology Facility
The Branch's Genomics and Pharmacology Facility manages and assesses molecular interaction data obtained through multiple platforms to increase our understanding of the effect of these interactions on the chemosensitivity of cancer and creates tools that facilitate this process. Translation of this information will be directed towards the recognition of diagnostic and therapeutic cancer biomarkers and directed cancer therapy. Learn more...
The Miner Suite of bioinformatic software packages developed by the Facility are freely available for public use. Visit the links below to learn more about each one.
The CellMiner Cross Database (CDB) enables exploration and analysis of cancer cell line pharmacogenomic data across different sources. Learn more...
A database and query tool designed for the cancer research community to facilitate integration of the molecular datasets generated by the Genomics and Parmacology Facility and its collaborators on the NCI-60. Learn more...
A tool that produces Clustered Image Maps (CIMS) (i.e., clustered heat maps). Learn more...
A tool that leverages the Gene Ontology (GO) database for biological interpretation of microarray data. Learn more...
High-Throughput GoMiner
A tool for batch processing of multiple microarrays and integreated CIMs of the GoMiner results. Learn more...
A repository of electronically navigatable Kohn Molecular Interaction Maps (MIMs). Learn more...
A suite of very user-friendly tools designed for use by every bench biologist who needs to check for the impact of gene splice variation on common molecular biology technologies, including RT-PCR, RNAi, expression microarrays, and peptide-based assays. Learn more...
A tool that allows users to search for appropriate, commercially available antibodies for research purposes, and to match each antibody to its respective genomic identifiers. Learn more...