Cytopathology Fellowship
Cytopathology Fellowship
The Cytopathology Section of the National Cancer Institute provides diagnostic cytopathology services to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its associated clinical services in the NIH Clinical Center, a 200-bed and 93 day-hospital stations research hospital. The relatively high frequency of pathologic findings combined with the diversity of types of exfoliative and fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens seen in our Section provide a broad experience in diagnostic cytopathology. The goals of the fellowship are to develop a strong foundation in diagnostic cytopathology and introduce clinically oriented physicians to current research techniques.
Candidates must be licensed to practice medicine in the United States and certified by or eligible for the American Board of Pathology in anatomic pathology or anatomic pathology/clinical pathology.
How to Apply
A single fellowship position, which is a 1-year combined clinical service and research appointment, is available. Candidates must be physicians licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. and board certified/eligible in anatomic pathology or anatomic pathology/clinical pathology. Our program is recognized by the American Board of Pathology as satisfying training requirements necessary to qualify for the examination for added qualification in cytopathology.
The quickest and easiest way to find out more about this training program or to apply for consideration is to do it electronically via the websites GME Graduate Medical Education and NIH Graduate Medical Education Application, respectively.
Program Details
This fellowship program is 12 months in duration. For the clinical training, fellows are assigned to the cytology diagnostic service approximately seventy-five percent (75%) of the time. While on clinical training, the fellow will have progressive and supervised responsibility for the accessioned cases, for performing FNAs and for providing rapid-on-site-evaluation of guided FNAs. A staff pathologist is available for back-up and consultation at all times. Daily working conferences, which all staff members attend, are an integral component of the training. Ninety-two percent (92%) of our caseload is non-gynecologic cytology, including 26% FNA samples.
The fellow will also rotate for 1 month each through the Cytopathology Divisions of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and the George Washington University Medical Center. Our Section also has available active immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology services utilized for diagnostic and research purposes. The remaining 25% of the fellow's time is spent in clinical research training where the fellow will familiarize him/herself with current techniques that can be applied in the research and clinical setting. Completion of the program qualifies the candidate for the cytopathology special qualification board exam.
Program Faculty
Armando Filie, M.D. - Research Interests: application of ancillary techniques in cytopathology and clinical research, fine needle aspiration, thyroid, immunocytochemistry.
Mark Roth, M.D. - Research Interests: enhancing diagnosis and clinical management through the integration of cytologic sampling and advanced microdissection techniques.