Below is a list of grants, external fellowships and K awards received by our postdoctoral researchers in recent years, showcasing their success in competing for such opportunities.
Scott Wilkinson, Ph.D. | K22 NCI Transition Career Development Award |
Katie Hebron, Ph.D. | K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award |
Sounak Sahu, Ph.D. | K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award |
Liping Yang, Ph.D. | K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award |
George Annor, Ph.D. | The Children’s Cancer Foundation, Inc. 2024 Research Grant Award |
Arnold Bolomsky, Ph.D. | International Myeloma Foundation Brian D. Novis Junior Research Grant |
Anna Grosskopf, Ph.D. | Sarcoma Foundation of America Grant |
Kylynda Bauer, Ph.D. | Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Genentech Women in Cancer Immunotherapy Fellowship |
Filip Pekovic, Ph.D. | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Walter Benjamin Fellowship |
Brittney Harrington, Ph.D. | Department of Defense Ovarian Cancer Research Program Pilot Award |
Meijie Tian, Ph.D. | The Children's Oncology Group Foundation Little p Project Grant for Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Research |
Chennan Li, Ph.D. | Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program Early Investigator Research Award |
YongYean Kim, M.D., Ph.D. | Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program Career Development Award |
Pradip Bajgain, Ph.D. | American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Career Development Award |
Mohamed-Reda Benmebarek, Ph.D. | International Liver Cancer Association 2024 Fellowship |
Yuta Myojin, M.D. | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship |
Can Li, Ph.D. | 2023 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award |
Sushant Patkar, Ph.D. | 2023 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award |
Christopher Schultz, Ph.D. | K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award |
Enitome Bafor, Ph.D. | K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award |
Alex Kleinpeter, Ph.D. | K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award |
Yilun Sun, Ph.D. | K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award |
David Milewski, Ph.D. | Children's Cancer Foundation Research Grant |
Cecilia Monge, M.D., M.P.H., FACP | Winn Foundation Diversity in Clinical Trials Career Development Award |
Meije Tian, Ph.D. | The Children's Oncology Group Foundation, Inc. Enzo & Me Grant |
Arnold Bolomsky, Ph.D. | Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation |
Brett Schroeder, M.D. | American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award |
Gwen Buel, Ph.D. | 2022 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award |
Yilun Sun, Ph.D. | 2022 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award |