
Grants, External Fellowships and K Awards

Below is a list of grants, external fellowships and K awards received by our postdoctoral researchers in recent years, showcasing their success in competing for such opportunities. 


Scott Wilkinson, Ph.D.K22 NCI Transition Career Development Award                                  
Katie Hebron, Ph.D. K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award
Sounak Sahu, Ph.D. K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award
Liping Yang, Ph.D. K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award
George Annor, Ph.D. The Children’s Cancer Foundation, Inc. 2024 Research Grant Award
Arnold Bolomsky, Ph.D. International Myeloma Foundation Brian D. Novis Junior Research Grant


Anna Grosskopf, Ph.D.Sarcoma Foundation of America Grant
Kylynda Bauer, Ph.D.Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Genentech Women in Cancer Immunotherapy Fellowship
Filip Pekovic, Ph.D.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Walter Benjamin Fellowship
Brittney Harrington, Ph.D.Department of Defense Ovarian Cancer Research Program Pilot Award
Meijie Tian, Ph.D.The Children's Oncology Group Foundation Little p Project Grant for Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Research
Chennan Li, Ph.D.Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program Early Investigator Research Award
YongYean Kim, M.D., Ph.D.Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program Career Development Award
Pradip Bajgain, Ph.D.American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Career Development Award
Mohamed-Reda Benmebarek, Ph.D.International Liver Cancer Association 2024 Fellowship
Yuta Myojin, M.D.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship
Can Li, Ph.D.2023 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award
Sushant Patkar, Ph.D.2023 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award
Christopher Schultz, Ph.D.K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award 
Enitome Bafor, Ph.D.K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award 
Alex Kleinpeter, Ph.D. K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award 
Yilun Sun, Ph.D.K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award 


David Milewski, Ph.D.Children's Cancer Foundation Research Grant
Cecilia Monge, M.D., M.P.H., FACPWinn Foundation Diversity in Clinical Trials Career Development Award
Meije Tian, Ph.D.The Children's Oncology Group Foundation, Inc. Enzo & Me Grant
Arnold Bolomsky, Ph.D.Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
Brett Schroeder, M.D.American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award
Gwen Buel, Ph.D.2022 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award
Yilun Sun, Ph.D.2022 CCR Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Transition Award