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HIV Dynamics and Replication Program
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HIV Dynamics and Replication Program
The HIV Dynamics and Replication Program - April, 2023
The HIV Dynamics and Replication Program (HIV DRP) was formed in 1997 as the HIV Drug Resistance Program, with the mission of conducting and fostering multidisciplinary basic, translational, and clinical research focused on problems related to drug-resistant HIV.
The scope of research conducted by HIV DRP scientists has expanded over the years to encompass a broader range of important problems in virus biology. Thus, in 2015, the name of the Program was changed to HIV Dynamics and Replication to better capture the breadth of the research carried out by the Program.

Clinical Trials
The clinical arm of the HIV Dynamics and Replication Program is under the direction of Frank Maldarelli, M.D., Ph.D. (Clinical Retrovirology Section). Its primary research focus is to understand the population genetics, evolution, dynamics, and persistence of HIV infection in patients, particularly as related to the development of resistance and possible ways to overcome it. In collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/Clinical Center Medicine Department AIDS Clinic and the HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch of the NCI Center for Cancer Research (CCR), Dr. Maldarelli develops and secures Institutional Review Board approval for clinical trials, and implements them using the support of these groups.
All CCR clinical trials take place at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, and are open to patients with HIV, cancer, or immunodeficiency disorders, regardless of where they live in the United States.
For further information about our clinical trials, please contact Dr. Maldarelli at fmalli@mail.nih.gov.
Job Vacancies
We have no open positions in our group at this time, please check back later.
To see all available positions at CCR, take a look at our Careers page. You can also subscribe to receive CCR's latest job and training opportunities in your inbox.
2024 NCI Director's Award
The DRP Advisory Committee received the 2024 NCI Director's Award for Workplace Wellness-NCI Champions for their accomplishments, "For launching fellow-led initiatives to enhance the personal and professional development of all HIV Dynamics and Replication Program fellows, students and staff".
HIV DRP Conference Honoring Alan Rein's Career - November 1. 2024
After many years at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Alan Rein, one of the founding members of the HIV Dynamics and Replication Program (HIV DRP), retired on January 1. 2025. The HIV DRP organized a one-day symposium on November 1, 2024, to celebrate Alan’s distinguished career.
The scientific component of the symposium included talks by invited speakers: Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, John Coffin, Mauricio Comas-Garcia, Steve Goff, Steve Hughes, Delphine Muriaux, Karin Musier-Forsyth, Monica Roth, Jonathan Stoye, and Peter Vogt.
This event is available to watch via NIH VideoCast here.
13th Annual David Derse Memorial Lecture and Award: Carol Carter - October 8. 2024
The HIV Dynamics and Replication Program (HIV DRP) with support from Hye Kyung Chung-Derse and NCI hosted the 13th David Derse Memorial Lecture and Award to honor Dr. David Derse’s outstanding research accomplishments and to stimulate the exchange of innovative ideas that he was well known for promoting throughout his scientific career.
Carol Carter, Ph.D. (SUNY Distinguished Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, Stony Brook University) delivered the 13th lecture on October 8. 2024 titled "HOST-TARGETED THERAPEUTICS: Prazoles Target Tsg101 Ubiquitin E2 Variant Mimicry".
The lecture is available on NIH VideoCast here.
NCI-Poster article on the event is available here.
Annual HIV DRP Research Review Picnic 2024
The annual HIV DRP research review & picnic took place in July. Each PI presented a research update for their lab, followed by a picnic/BBQ held at Nallin pond.
Congratulations to Sue Toms on her retirement
After nearly 25 years at the HIV DRP as a program specialist (and 51 years at NCI-Frederick), Sue retired today, June 28, 2024. We wish you all the very best in the next chapter of life. Thank You Sue!
HIV DRP at CSHL Retrovirology Meeting 2024
Members of the HIV DRP and alumni attended the 2024 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retrovirology Meeting.
Eric Freed delivered this year’s keynote address, “Uncovering the mysteries of HIV replication (or trying to)’ To view, click here: https://leadingstrand.cshl.edu/Keynote/Media/2024/RETRO/691
Oral presentations were delivered by Annemarie Glassey (Maldarelli lab), Yuta Hikichi (Freed lab), Saiful Islam (Hu lab), CY Lau (Maldarelli lab), and Alan Rein. Ryan C. Burdick (Pathak lab) delivered his talk as the recipient of the 2024 Uta von Schwedler Award and Alex Kleinpeter (Freed lab) as the recipient of the 2024 Andy Kaplan Award.
Poster presentations were made by Sherimay Ablan (Freed lab), Ellie Bare (Pathak lab), Zatao Cheng (Hu lab), Alice Duchon (Hu lab), Lindsay Farr (Freed lab), Sarah Harrison (Hu lab), Jonathan Kitzrow (Hu lab), Chenglei Li (Pathak lab), Hana Veler (Freed lab), and Geraldine Vilmen (Freed lab).
HIV DRP 27th Think Tank 2024
The HIV Dynamics and Replication Program (HIV DRP) held it's 27th Annual DRP Think Tank Meeting on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. As before, the program consisted of a series of short (15-minutes or less) presentations by members of the local retrovirology community on topics related to HIV, AIDS, and retrovirus biology.
We had a fantastic turnout with an average of 70 in-person and 100 online.
Congratulations to the winners of the NCI travel fellows award*:
- Alex Kleinpeter (HIV-DRP, Eric Freed lab) for his talk on “Recent advances in our understanding of the role of IP6 in HIV-1 replication”
- Kate Skorupkta (CIL) for her talk on “Structural basis of Vif-induced ubiquitination of APOBEC3H”
*only NCI fellows were eligible for this award.
The event was recorded. Below you will find a zoom link and passcode. Please note this only includes those who agreed to having their talk recorded.
Passcode: 02Pl%wy8
We hope to see you next year!
Think Tank 2024 - Celebrating John Coffin's birthday
Training Opportunities
The HIV Dynamics and Replication Program (HIV DRP) is committed to training and supporting the next generation of researchers. There are opportunities available to you at each level of your education/career stage:
High School/College Student & Graduate
- Medical School Graduate
Postdoctoral Fellow
There are summer internships, fellowships, and unique training programs designed to increase expertise in areas such as biotechnology and regulatory review. In addition, NCI has also established several programs to encourage students from populations that are underrepresented in science or individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who are interested in biomedical research careers. Visit Training Opportunities at NCI CCR to learn more about all the programs that are available. For information on the benefits and support available to trainees, visit Why Choose CCR?
DRP Advisory Committee (DRPAC)
We have established the DRP Advisory Committee (DRPAC) to provide a voice for our fellows, students and staff to help inform decisions made with DRP management that affect training and career development.
The DRPAC is made up of representatives from each of the DRP labs. DRPAC subcommittees help integrate new hires, facilitate external and internal communications and organize professional and social events, seminars and conferences.
Congratulations to the DRPAC who received a 2024 NCI Director's Award for Workplace Wellness-NCI Champions for their accomplishments, "For launching fellow-led initiatives to enhance the personal and professional development of all HIV Dynamics and Replication Program fellows, students and staff".

The HIV DRP is a major source of resources that benefit the research community. Reagents have been provided to the NIH AIDS Reagent Program and to academic researchers, and the NIH has licensed expression plasmids and mouse strains developed by our investigators. Learn more at the links below.
Future Events
HIV DRP Think Tank - Tuesday April 15, 2025
14th Annual David Derse Lecture & Award: Wesley I. Sundquist, Ph.D. Samuels Professor and Co-Chair of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Utah. - Tuesday October 7, 2025